What is Artificial Intelligence? And Where It Is Used? Advantages & Disadvantages, Father Of AI

by Ajay Nager • Last Updated
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Welcome once again to all of you in our Blog Meowdroid, where we always choose for you such a topic that will increase your general knowledge. And at the same time, we also keep in mind that we can straightforwardly tell you things. So that you do not face any problem in understanding the article. So let’s start this article with this thinking and our topic today is Artificial Intelligence. You must have heard about it, but nowadays, we are also using it as software like Google Map and Google Assistant on all smartphones.

Human is the only creature in this entire universe, which God has given the brain and the skill to use it in the right way. Therefore, mankind has achieved it today with his talents and skills. On the strength of this intelligence, humans have made many more inventions such as computers, the internet, smartphones, due to which the life of us humans have got a new direction.

In the field of technology, we have developed so much that now he is thinking about preparing a mobile machine to think, understand and use his brain, which can have the ability to work just like humans. The machine made with that advanced technology is called Artificial Intelligence. However, people do not know much about it. That is why today, in this article, we bring you a piece of special information related to AI, i.e., Artificial Intelligence, in which you know what AI is. Where will it be used? And what are its advantages and disadvantages? We will tell you about all these but first, let’s know what artificial intelligence is?

What is Artificial Intelligence Technology?

AI, which is called artificial intelligence. Here, artificial means that created by a person, and intelligence means the ability to apply knowledge and skills. AI is a branch of computer science that is developing a machine that can think and act like a human being. When we build a computer in such a way that it can act like human intelligence, it is called artificial intelligence; That is, when we set up such programs in a machine that it can function as a human, it is called artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

The intelligence power that we humans have within ourselves grows by seeing, hearing, and touching something that we can think about how to deal with that thing. In the same way, a kind of intelligence is developed inside the computer device through which a computer or robotic system is developed, which runs on the same logic as the basis of which the human brain works. Some scientists in computer science had put the AI ​​hypothesis in front of the world, in which they said that the AI ​​concept is being planned to make a computer-controlled machine or software that can think the way a human mind thinks. For example, a human wants to analyze and memorize information instead of having his device replaced by a computer with a brain; hence the emphasis is on the progress of artificial intelligence.

AI Plus ML

AI in computer science is also known as machine learning. AI is a part of machine learning. It gives the system the ability to learn and improve itself from its experience. The primary importance is to allow computers to learn from themselves without being human. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access and learn data on their own. Just as humans improve their ability with their experience. In the same way, there are programs of AI through which machines can also learn. Today, a python programming language is being used most for AI and machine learning. Let us now know who started the AI.

Who Started AI? (Father Of Artificial Intelligence)

When humans were discovering the true power of computer systems, the human mind forced them to think about whether a machine can think like humans. This question led to the development of Artificial Intelligence, with only one purpose behind it, to design an intelligent machine that is as intelligent as humans and has the ability to understand and learn to think like them. John McCarthy first used the term artificial intelligence in 1995. He was an American computer scientist who first spoke about this technology at a conference in 1956. Hence he is also called the Father of Artificial Intelligence.

father of ai

Artificial intelligence is not a new subject. It has been discussed all over the world for decades; Films like Matrix, Robot, Terminator, and Blade Runner are the basis of Artificial Intelligence where the appearance of the robot showed how he thinks and works like humans. Now we will know where Artificial Intelligence is used.

Where is Artificial Intelligence Used?

The popularity of Artificial Intelligence has been increasing due to loud noise. Today, it has become a topic that is being discussed a lot in technology and business. Many experts and industry analysts believe that AI or machine learning is our future. But if we look around us, we will find that it is not our future but the present. With the development of technology today, we are connected to AI in some way and are also using it.

Recently many companies have invested a lot in machine learning. Due to which many AI products and apps have become available to us. So let us give you some examples of AI that are available at present.

1.  Virtual Assistant

You must have seen the Apple phone. Must have also heard about its most popular personal assistant Siri. Siri is the best example of AI. With this, you can get all the things that you used to do earlier by typing on the internet. Like sending messages, searching for information from the internet, opening an application, setting a timer, setting the alarm, etc., you can get the work done Siri by simply saying, Siri.

siri apple

Siri uses machine learning technology to understand your language and questions. However, it is available only on iPhones and iPads. Similarly, Amazon’s Alexa device, Windows’s Cortana, and Android phone’s personal assistant are Google Assistant, which is used to work like Siri.

2. Google Maps

Google uses AI in many of its fields, but AI technology has been used well in Google Maps. For example, Google Map tracks our location and also uses AI-enabled mapping to tell us the right path and helps us to know the correct route.

3. Amazon Echo

The popular e-commerce website Amazon has also launched a revolutionary product whose name is an echo; it can answer your questions, read audiobooks for you, tell you traffic conditions and weather reports. Also, They can tell us the sports score and schedule of any sport.

4. Automobile

AI is being used not only in smartphones but also in the field of automobiles. If you like a car, then you will definitely know about the Tesla car. This car is one of the best autopilot available so far. After joining the Tesla car with AI, it has features such as self-driving. I don’t know how many self-driving cars are being made, which will become even more innovative in the coming times.

5. Manufacturing Industry

AI is also being used in the manufacturing industry in full swing. Earlier the work used to take hundreds of people, while today the same work is being done very quickly and better with the help of a machine.

6. Video Games

We get a glimpse of AI in video games too. Like in many games you have to play with a computer such as Chase and Ludo. Apart from all this, it is also used in speech recognition, computer vision, robotics, finance, weather forecasting, the health industry, and aviation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Now friends, we will know what are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.


  • AI helps us in reducing the error and increases the chances of achieving accuracy with more accuracy.
  • Using AI helps in making fast decisions and getting things done quickly.
  • Unlike humans, machines do not require constant rest and refreshments. They are capable of working for long hours and neither get bored nor get tired.
  • With the help of AI, communication, defense, health, disaster management, and agriculture, etc., can bring significant changes.


The benefits of Artificial Intelligence are not very clear right now. But it can be said about the dangers that human beings will be the biggest losers due to its arrival.

  • AI will work in place of humans, and machines will start making decisions on their own, and if they are controlled, then it can also pose a danger to humans.
  • Experts say that thinking robots can cause danger to humanity if they start thinking of humans as their enemies under some reason or circumstance.
  • Artificial intelligence requires a huge cost to manufacture as these are very complex machines and will require a huge cost to repair and maintain.
  • There is no doubt that AI is taking away many jobs from humans, in which the problem of unemployment is going to increase in the future.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai says that we have learned to use fire and electricity for the benefit of humanity, but it is necessary to overcome its bad aspects. Similarly, artificial intelligence is also such a technology, and we are using it for our own benefit in many fields. But the truth is that if we do not find a way to avoid its risks, then it can have serious consequences because, despite all the benefits, Artificial Intelligence has its own dangers.


The facilities we are getting from the arrival of Artificial Intelligence. What do you think about the effect it will have on humans in the coming time? Do tell us your opinion in the comment. Hope now you know about Artificial Intelligence from this article? Where is it used? What are its benefits and what are its disadvantages? All the information related to it must have been found in this article. It has always been my endeavor to get complete information on the subject given to you through our articles. So that you do not have to go anywhere else. If there is any problem related to this article, you must tell us in the comment below to solve your problem as soon as possible. If you liked our article, then share it as much as possible so that this information can be reached to other people as well.

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